Creating a better world..
Our sustainability commitment

At LOWENCO we are committed to acting responsibly in all aspects of our company.

We are devoted to supporting a sustainable future for all people, the climate and our society. At LOWENCO we are committed to acting responsibly in all aspects of our company. We take our vision into action creating a better world – one unit at a time.

We are committed to ensuring the people, workers, and communities that support our entire value chain are treated with fundamental dignity and respect. We strive to endure that the products and services we provide are produced in a way that respects human rights.

Creating a better world – one unit at a time

We support the UN Sustainable Development Goals

At LOWENCO, we believe that we all have a common responsibility to make the world a better place. Read more about how we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the link below.

LOWENCO has been awarded a EcoVadis Silver Medal
The result places LOWENCO among top 15 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis!

LOWENCO has completed the EcoVadis Scorecard, and has been awarded a Silver Medal. EcoVadis medals recognize companies that have completed the EcoVadis assessment process and demonstrated a relatively strong management system that addresses sustainability criteria, as outlined in the EcoVadis methodology.

LOWENCO believes in giving back to worthy causes

LOWENCO believe in giving to worthy causes both within our local community and the wider world. You can read more about the charities we have so far supported below:

We are committed to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact – The world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative
LOWENCO has incorporated the ten principles for corporate sustainability in our strategies, processes, and policies, ensuring that we meet our fundamental responsibilities in the four areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-corruption.
  •  Labour & Human rights
  1. We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  2. We make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  3. We uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  4. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  5. the effective abolition of child labour; and
  6. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

We commit to safeguarding and strengthening labour and human rights, to promoting safe working conditions, mental health, and well-being and to giving our employees good learning opportunities in their work. We commit to treating all people with respect, to working against discrimination in all its forms and to be an inclusive organisation, which respects individual characteristics such as gender, age, sexual orientation, nationality, religious and political beliefs.


  •     Environment
  1. We support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  2. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  3. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

We commit to taking action to combat climate change, promoting access to sustainable energy and advancing energy efciency. We strive to reduce the cost of green energy because cheaper green energy technologies will increase the share of renewables in the global energy mix. In our own operations and in our supply chain, we commit to protecting the ecosystems, sourcing from sustainably managed forests and avoiding, minimising or restoring biodiversity loss. As for the natural resources that we rely on in our business, we commit to pursuing recycling and reuse to create more sustainable consumption and production.


  •     Anti-Corruption
  1. We work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

The rule of law and absence of corruption are a precondi- tion for sound business and well-functioning societies.
We commit to complying with all applicable laws and regulations and to working against corruption and bribery in all their forms. We have zero tolerance of bribery, fraud and other types of inappropriate business behaviour. We pledge to uphold sound business practices in our organisa- tion and to promote such practices amongst our business partners.

Read more about the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact in the link below

Certifications and Policies

ISO 9001:2015 certification

LOWENCO holds an ISO 9001: 2015 certification within inspection, installation, service, repair and maintenance of refrigeration systems.

ISO 9001: 2015 is a Quality Management System, which provides an overview of our internal procedures. A Quality Management System is a management tool for streamlining our activities and thereby creating the best possible foundation for a production process. You can access our quality policy on this link.

ISO 14001:2015 certification

LOWENCO has obtained certification in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 in 2023.
This standard provides a management framework to reduce your environmental impacts and ensures that you meet regulatory requirements and build trust with stakeholders. The standard gives a systematic approach to planning, implementing and managing an environmental management system. The policy is the foundation of the standard, in the link you find LOWENCO’s Environmental Policy.

ISO 45001:2018 certification

LOWENCO is certified according to ISO 45001:2018 in 2023.
The purpose of ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management is to improve performance in relation to occupational health and safety by creating the framework for management and management of the risks that exist within occupational health and safety. This should help reduce accidents at work and create safe and healthy workplaces. Read our occupational health and safety policy here.

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification

ISO 27001 certification highlights LOWENCO’s commitment to safeguarding both product-specific and personal data. It verifies that we have implemented robust systems and protocols to protect sensitive data, ensuring compliance with GDPR and international IT security standards.

At LOWENCO, we recognize the critical importance of data protection and are dedicated to maintaining the highest security standards to protect our clients’ internally information within LOWENCO.

KMO certification
(cradle to grave refrigerant handling)

KMO – Kølebranchens MiljøOrdning – is a union appointed by the Danish Ministry of Environment to manage correct refrigerant usage, reporting and recycling/disposal. Being a part of KMO ensures that the refrigerants are handled correctly both during usage and disposal.

Since a major part of LOWENCO’s deliveries are connected with the usages and potentially also the discarding hereof, we ensure that the materials are handled in the most environmental friendly way in order for us to leave a green footprint.

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