
More great news

Our CEO, Mikael Hoier, and Lowenco has once again been recognized as a leading force in the Cold Storage industry.  World renowned business magazine, World’s Leaders, has interviewed Mikael Hoier in relation to their recognition as a [...]

Scandinavian Business Award 2021

Lowenco has been awarded the Scandinavian Business Award 2021 for Best Global Cold Storage Manufacturer. We are very grateful for this award as it is validation for the work we do at Lowenco, striving for a more sustainable and green future in [...]

Third delivery of LSSU to India

We are very proud to be delivering our third shipment of our LSSU to India, delivering 6 of the LSSU's this time around.  Seeing our partners grow and in need of more low energy cold storage units is exciting news - both for Lowenco, for our [...]

Another LSSU shipment to the US

Last week the first LSSU shipment for the US was sent from our factory here in Denmark - and more are already in production. Beginning in October, we will be on-site in the US supporting our strategic partner Farrar Scientific with the installation.

Summer delivery from Denmark

The summer has arrived Denmark with more days in the temperature range of 28-32°C. That's fantastic.  Even more fantastic news is that this week another shipment has left our production facility, and is now being installed at a pharmaceutical site.

Another successful delivery

Today is another fantastic day at the office. Another one of our innovative and modular Large Scale Storage Units (LSSU) has left our production - and is now on its way to a large pharmaceutical customer. What you receive with the Lowenco [...]

On COVID19 & Factory Acceptance Test

Factory Acceptance Test is important to Lowenco. As a consequence of the COVID19-pandemic we are offering virtual live streaming for an alternative Factory Acceptance Test via Teams or Skype. This week we have performed a succesfull virtual [...]

First LSSU in the US

We are proud to inform, that our Large Scale Storage Units (LSSU's) are now going to be installed for the first time in the continent of USA. Together with our Strategic Partner Farrar Scientific we have sold our innovative large scale [...]

And the winner is……

We are extremely proud to announce that we, out of 215 Gazelles, are the overall Gazelle Winner for the region South Jutland. With a growth of 1.637,9% we are the fastest growing company in the whole region in 2016, which gives us the title as [...]

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